

How much does it cost to join the Pacific Health Coalition?

There is a one-time fee of $3.00 per employee to join.

Are there additional costs to participate in programs?

Yes, the Pacific Health Coalition charges an access fee for each program. Member plans complete a Participation Agreement , identifying the programs they want to use, and then pay the access fee for each program. These access fees pay for the ongoing review and maintenance of existing programs as well as the development and implementation of new ones. Member plans may also need to sign an agreement with the service provider(s).

Do we have to participate in all of the Pacific Health Coalition programs?

No. Each participating plan can choose only those programs that fit its needs.

Are we required to adopt a particular plan design or use a designated administrator?

No. You may continue to use your own plan design and administrator. Generally, few if any changes are required. Some provider contracts may require incentives for participants to use participating providers.

Do we have to change our current plan design?

Generally, few if any changes are required. However, participating groups may need to sign contracts, acknowledgements or joinder agreements with specific the Pacific Health Coalition vendors for participation in certain programs. Some programs will require minor plan modification. For example, the Alaska Regional Hospital (ARH) program requires a contract be signed; they also require that the plan include steerage, with incentives for participants to use the preferred provider. The Pacific Health Coalition’s programs are designed to accommodate many options.

Who serves on the Board of Directors?

Each member health plan can appoint two individuals to serve as voting members of the Pacific Health Coalition Board of Directors. Each voting member has a voice and each vote counts equally. The Board meets quarterly.

Is the Pacific Health Coalition affiliated with any other health care organizations?

Yes. In order to take advantage of contracting opportunities with other nationwide groups, the Pacific Health Coalition is a member of the National Labor Alliance of Health Care Coalitions. We also work with the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans and with National CooperativeRx for Prescription Benefits Manager contracting.

Who can I contact if I have more questions?

Call Bonnie Payson at (702)460-4134, or email her at