By joining together, our member health plans gain power to negotiate better coverage and better prices from service providers. The Pacific Health Coalition negotiates service contracts for member health plans, allowing them to lower health care costs for their own plan participants.
Membership is easy, and most active member health plans recover the cost of their membership in the first year. In fact, many have reduced annual health care costs by more than $1,200 per employee. Don’t wait to benefit.
Become a Member of the Pacific Health Coalition Today
To get started:
- Contact us to complete a Membership Agreement and pay a one-time membership fee of $3.00 per employee.
- Designate two individuals from your organization to serve as voting members of the Pacific Health Coalition Board of Directors.
- Choose the programs in which your health plan will participate, and designate your selections on a Participation Agreement.
- Pay a low access fee for each program you select; your access fees depend on the programs your health plan uses.
- These ongoing access fees are paid:
- By the provider (as is the case of CVS/Caremark and
—OR— - Quarterly by the participating member health plan, on a self-administered basis. You will submit a report showing the utilization of the service, along with a check for the access fees.
- By the provider (as is the case of CVS/Caremark and
- Fees fund ongoing maintenance of the programs as well as development of new offerings.
- Member plans may also need to sign an agreement with the service provider(s).
The Pacific Health Coalition Member Benefits
By joining together, our member health plans gain power to negotiate better coverage and better prices from service providers. This allows us to lower health care costs for their own plan participants. Members may use all or just a few of the Pacific Health Coalition’s programs, taking advantage of those services that best fit their needs to make the most of their health care budget. Learn how you can:
- Save money
- Access high quality programs and services
- Benefit from our member-driven philosophy